The Belcher Journal has truly revolutionized our understanding of the
life of the common soldier in the Continental Army. Thanks to Belcher, we now know that there
were camp counselors at Valley Forge and that von Steuben’s “Model Company” was
outfitted in wigs made from goatskin backpacks.
Those of us who glean through every scrap of available information about
the material culture of the Jersey troops have been astonished to learn from
Belcher that in 1777, one company of the 1st NJ was outfitted in
reverse colored regimentals thanks to a miscommunication between him and the
contract tailors.
While it is well known that New Jersey provided large numbers of buckskin
breeches to its soldiers in the first years of the war, only the Belcher
Journal provides crucial information about the way that these were sized and
fitted to the troops.
13th 1777] – To Day after the General ye men wair issued leathern
breechers by Quartmastr Periam -
Ye officers sized thair Coys & Directd
Them to be breechd – ye men grately distemperd as breeches are but
large size only & much vexd as to how to fall out without thair
fallin’ down – Colo. Ogden spoke warmly & orderd Battalion form
colum – Did march at Quick Step into a brook wair ye ford was half fathom deep
- Oncet on ye far side Colo. Ogden did order ye men groundd & stackd
head to foot much as a snake rail fence to dry in the Sun – Lay to ‘til
nooning when ourn leather breeches fit all alike as to a second skin.”