The Belcher Journal, however, indicates that at least one company received uniform coats of blue and red cloth through the efforts of Paymaster Lieutenant Aaron Ogden and his dogsbody, Constant Belcher, although with unintended consequences.
Apr 1st [1777] This morning sent on Command by ordr Lt. Ogden / Set out for Elizath to procure enuf brodcloath to make coats for Col’s compny of our rigiment / Much teaged from goin afoot by Gallopen Hill road / Stayed this night at the Farms at Wade’s - excelent pidgin pie.
Apr. 2nd This day came to Eliza. Town, wair instructd taylors to make of Cozen Matthias brodclothe 8& thirty red faced blue regimentals/ Told to return a fortnight Hence.
Apr. 3rd This day went a-visitin to hear the news / Brothers of Maj. Hetfield notorious Tories with the Greens on Staatan Isl. / The Maj. himself, tho a Hero at Montreser’s in the last Campain, now in the Common Gaol at New Ark for passin false bills.
Apr. 4th Went to horses an took £3 & 6 on bobtailed nag, with Bay to show.
Apr. 5th Went to meeting / Had a fine sermon by Rev. Caldwell on the Wages of Sin / Parson C. keeps a brace of pistoles near to Hand if our disloyal Neighbors across the water come lookin for Salvation.
Apr. 6th This Day herd the militia had a sharp fight at Quibbletown and drove the enimy with Small loss.
Apr. 7th To Day had a diff’rence of Opinion over pair half boots with one of Meeker’s Horse / Gave better than receivd but lost the Argument – a pity as were a Good fit for me.
Apr. 8th-13th In Guard House.
Apr. 14th Sentenced to Ride a rail 15 min. an returnd to my duty.
Apr. 15th This day give tailors Colo. Ogden’s letter of Credit / Acceptd barrel of Coats for Colo.’s Co. / Contrived Wheel barrow to Convey back to rigiment.
Apr. 16th Made but 4 miles this day, stay’d this night at the Farms with Wades / Et baked cheese and cider.
Apr. 17th Traitered wheel Barrow for Goat Cart and boer Goat / Drove beast & burden back to Camp arrived after Dark / Reported Lt. Ogden most agitated for news of my errand.
Apr. 18th This Morning at first light Broached barrel / Dismayd at finding Lt. Ogden’s order intended blue coats faced red an these the reverse like that of the Enimy.
Apr. 19th In Guard House.
Apr. 20th This Day received 12 lashes on my bare back & returnd to my duty / Colo. Ogden most annoyed with Lt. Ogden over his waisted Cloathe / At night I Reminded Cozen Aaron that musicians wear reverse colours also.
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